
Get security, speed, and power!

Linux is a little different operating system from the others. We at Tuxiom believe that Linux provides performance and features that are unbeatable. Allow us to introduce you to the amazing world of Linux.

Speed Comes First

Thousands of developers worldwide work to make Linux the most viable choice. It is open source and is made available under GPL (GNU Public License).



A very powerful operating system! The power comes from the dedicated developers around the world. Their contribution makes it ever more reliable and stable. Explore the possibilities of Linux with Tuxiom. It does not matter if you are a home user or an IT Professional. Linux will work for anyone!

Secure Computing

It is no secret that Linux is a very safe and secure operating system. Corporations and individuals are discovering that Linux can protect there data and run systems like no other. Combined with several other projects (Apache, MySQL, PHP etc.) Linux becomes an excellent choice. We can show you how to get the most out of it.


Linux has more applications than any other OS. As more and more vendors are begining to support Linux, thousands of applications and software are available to end-users.

Check out: UbuntuCentOS